09 Şub 2025 Pazar
Philosophy, evolution, and taxonomy, or: what biological classification is for? (practicising biologist’s comments on some recent papers by PODANY)
Holynski, R. B. | 2177 Downloads. |
The first attempt on subgeneric composition of Chlorophorus Chevrolat, 1863 with four new subgenera (Col.: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae)
Özdikmen, H. | 2217 Downloads. |
A comprehensive contribution for leaf beetles of Turkey with a zoogeographical evaluation for all Turkish fauna (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
Özdikmen, H. | 2877 Downloads. |
Murzinia karatauensis, n. gen., n. sp. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiini: Monochamini) from Kazakhstan
Lazarev, M. A. | 2113 Downloads. |
An assay on zoogeographic regions of the Earth: Palaearctic longhorned and leaf beetles say that…
Özdikmen, H. | 2323 Downloads. |
Remarks on the type material of some Cerambycidae from Iran described by M. Pic (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
Sama, G. | 2156 Downloads. |
Description of a new species of Poecilium Fairmaire, 1864 from Syria
Rapuzzi, P., Sama, G., Tichy, T. | 2079 Downloads. |
Species composition and habitat selection of Ground beetles (Carabidae, Coleoptera) collected by pitfall traps in Bozdağlar Mt., Western Turkey
Tezcan, S., Anlaş, S., Jeanne, C. | 2117 Downloads. |
Additions and corrections to the new Catalogue of Palaearctic Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) edited by I. Löbl and A. Smetana (2010) for Turkish taxa
Özdikmen, H. | 2177 Downloads. |
Oak Gallwasps (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) Fauna of Inner-western Anatolian
Katılmış, Y., Kıyak, S. | 2198 Downloads. |
New data for Argentinian assasin bugs fauna (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Harpactorinae)
Coscarón, M. del C., Martin-Park, A. | 2067 Downloads. |
Contribution to the knowledge of flat bugs from the temperate South America (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)
Contreras, E. F., Neder, L. E., Coscarón, M. del C. | 2028 Downloads. |
New names for some preoccupied specific epithets in the families Ceraphronidae, Diapriidae and Platygastridae (Hymenoptera: Parasitica)
Özdikmen, H. | 2085 Downloads. |
Check-list of the family Cimbicidae of Turkey and some biological observations (Hymenoptera: Symphyta)
Çalmaşur, Ö. | 2441 Downloads. |
Investigation of Emblica officinalis diet on Longevity, behavior and fitness characters in a Drosophilid: Phorticella striata
Guru Prasad, B. R., Mokshith, M. C., Pankaj, P. | 2005 Downloads. |
New names for some preoccupied specific epithets in Chalcoidea I: Families Agaonidae, Aphelinidae, Chalcididae, Encyrtidae, Eulophidae (Hymenoptera: Parasitica)
Özdikmen, H. | 2082 Downloads. |
Studies on the long-term preservation method of Muga Cocoon (Antheraea assamensis Helfer) at low temperature
Rajkhowa, G., Kumar, R., Rajan, R. K. | 2132 Downloads. |
Preliminary report on a survey of the saproxylic beetle fauna living on old hollow oaks (Quercus spp.) and oak wood in Turkey (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
Sama, G., Jansson, N., Avcı, M., Sarıkaya, O., Coşkun, M., Kayış, T., Özdikmen, H. | 2398 Downloads. |
New names for some preoccupied specific epithets in Chalcoidea II: Families Eupelmidae, Eurytomidae, Mymaridae, Perilampidae, Pteromalidae, Torymidae (Hymenoptera: Parasitica)
Özdikmen, H. | 2746 Downloads. |
Present status of uzi fly, Exorista bombycis (Louis) (Diptera: Tachinidae) incidence on muga silkworm, Antheraea assamensis Helfer (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) in Upper Assam
Eswarareddy, S. G., Rajan, R. K. | 2010 Downloads. |
New subspecies of Brachyta interrogationis (Linnaeus, 1758) from Caucasus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
Lazarev, M. A. | 2288 Downloads. |
Some cytogenetic observations of two Dorcadion Dalman, 1817 species (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae: Dorcadiini)
Okutaner, A. Y., Özdikmen, H., Yüksel, E., Koçak, Y. | 2114 Downloads. |
Proposition of a new combination, Chrysso angula (Tikader) for the Indian endemic Theridula Emerton and a new synonymy for Chrysso pseudotheridula Siliwal (Araneae: Theridiidae)
Sen, S., Saha, S., Raychaudhuri, D. | 2005 Downloads. |
Mass multiplication of pupal parasitoid, Nesolynx thymus (Girault) (Hym.: Eulophidae) for the management of uzi fly, (Dip.: Tachinidae) Exorista bombycis (Louis) in muga silkworm Antheraea assamensis Helfer (Lep.: Saturniidae)
Eswarareddy, S. G., Rajan, R. K. | 2229 Downloads. |
Effect of different season on crop performance of parental stock races of Bivoltine silkworm (Bombyx mori L.)
Rahmathulla, V. K., Kishor Kumar, C. M., Manjula, A., Sivaprasad, V. | 2130 Downloads. |
Some additional notes on Apioninae (Coleoptera: Apionidae) fauna of Turkey
Tezcan, S., Karsavuran, Y., Pehlivan, E. | 2352 Downloads. |
A propose for acception of a single genus as Judolia Mulsant, 1863 instead of the genera Judolia Mulsant, 1863 and Pachytodes Pic, 1891 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lepturinae: Lepturini)
Özdikmen, H. | 2132 Downloads. |
Report of the Epigean arthropod fauna in the “Laguna Don Tomas”, Santa Rosa (La Pampa, Argentina)
Pall, J. L., Kihn, R. G., Arriaga, L. C., Quirán, E. | 2347 Downloads. |
Some cytogenetic observations of Morimus orientalis Reitter, 1894 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae: Lamiini)
Okutaner, A. Y., Özdikmen, H., Yüksel, E., Koçak, Y. | 2034 Downloads. |
Growth and ionic composition of the antennae of variegated grasshopper, Zonocerus variegatus (L., 1758) (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae)
Ademolu, K. O., Balogun, A. A., Idowu, A. B. | 2039 Downloads. |
Redescription of genus Barimononychus Pajni & Kohli, 1982 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from India
Ramesha, B., Ramamurthy, V. V. | 1855 Downloads. |
Contributions to the Dermaptera fauna of Turkey
Tezcan, S., Karsavuran, Y., Pehlivan, E., Anlaş, S. | 1992 Downloads. |
First record of the spider genus Indosmodicinus from China, with description of the hitherto unknown male of Indosmodicinus bengalensis (Araneae: Thomisidae)
Zhang, F., Hu, D.-S., Raychaudhuri, D. | 2152 Downloads. |
A synopsis of Turkish Certallini Fairmaire, 1864 with a cytogenetic observation (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae)
Okutaner, A. Y., Özdikmen, H., Yüksel, E., Koçak, Y. | 2088 Downloads. |
The Megalurothrips genus-group in Iran (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)
Mirab-balou, M., Chen, X.-X. | 2224 Downloads. |
Toxorhynchites rutiles are effective for the biological control of mosquito larvae
Sainudeen Sahib, S. | 1906 Downloads. |
Juxilyocypris gen. nov. and replacement names for homonym species or genera of Ostracoda (Arthropoda: Crustacea)
Kempf, E. K. | 2104 Downloads. |
On the Buprestidae (Coleoptera) Species of Almond Orchards in the Southeastern and Eastern Anatolia in Turkey
Bolu, H., Özgen, İ. | 2517 Downloads. |
The Population Fluctuations of the Lepidosaphes pistaciae (Archangelskaya) (Homoptera: Diaspididae) pest of pistachio trees in Siirt Province of Turkey
Özgen, İ., Karsavuran, Y. | 1885 Downloads. |
Host Plant Preferences of Ricania hedenborgi Stal, 1868 (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae)
Özgen, İ., Gözüaçık, C., Karavin, M. | 2004 Downloads. |
Bionomics of Indian Oak Tasar Silkmoth, Antheraea roylei Moore and its Potential for Breeding in North East India
Singh, N. I., Debaraj, Y. | 2535 Downloads. |
Development of a polyvoltine breed of the Mulberry Silkworm, Bombyx mori L. by means of dispermic androgenesis
Singh, R., Nirupama, R., Debaraj, Y. | 2093 Downloads. |
Laboratory evaluation of West African black pepper (Piper guineense) seed powder against maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais Mots.)
Udo, I. O., Ekanem, M. S., Inyang, E. U. | 1921 Downloads. |
New report of aphids on Muga food plants in Upper Assam (India)
Eswarareddy, S. G. | 1916 Downloads. |
New report of Coleopteran beetles on Muga food plants in Assam (India)
Eswarareddy, S. G. | 1920 Downloads. |
Integrated management of Uzi fly, Exorista bombycis (Louis) (Dip.: Tachinidae) in Muga Silkworm, Antheraea assamensis Helfer (Lep.: Saturniidae) under out door rearing conditions of Assam (India)
Eswarareddy, S. G. | 1938 Downloads. |
Nepomorphan fauna of Çorum province (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)
Salur, A., Mesci, S. | 1992 Downloads. |