09 Şub 2025 Pazar
The changes of phenoloxidase enzyme from Ephestia kuehniella Zeller larvae under parasitism of Habrobracon hebetor Say females treated with five isolated essential oils
Abstract : One of the important biocontrol agents on stored lepidopteran pests such as Ephestia kuehniella Zeller is the ectoparasitoid wasp, Habrobracon hebetor Say. Phenoloxidase enzyme is main part of immune system in insects, which catalyzes quinones synthesis and another reactive intermediate for elimination the invading of pathogens and parasitoids. In this research, the effects of Allium sativum L., Rosmarinus officinalis L., Piper nigrum L., Salvia officinalis L., and Glycyrrhiza glabra L. essential oils were investigated on the parasitism ability of H. hebetor which consequently cause the activation of phenoloxidase enzyme in E. kuehniella larvae as a suitable index. The gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy results indicated that tetracosamethyl cyclododeca siloxan, alpha-pinene, caryophyllene, beta-thujone, and aristolene were major constituents of above-mentioned essential oils, respectively. About the total protein concentration in the hemolymph of larvae, the differences among the control and all essential oils treatments were significant (F5, 12= 2.956). Moreover, about the phenoloxidase enzyme activity in the host larvae, some of differences were significant (F 5, 12= 31.505). Accordingly, the highest activity was observed in the parasitized larvae by the treated wasps with S. officinalis essential oil (0.3811 ± 0.0154 μM/min/mg protein) and the lowest being under R. officinalis essential oil treatment (0.1759 ± 0.0064 μM/min/mg protein). These results confirmed that S. officinalis has no negative effects on the parasitism of H. hebetor for their successful combination under integrated pest management (IPM) schedules.