09 Şub 2025 Pazar
Role of physicochemical parameters on diversity and abundance of ground–dwelling, diurnal ant species of Durgapur Government College Campus, West Bengal, India
Abstract :The present study was conducted to enlist diurnal, ground dwelling ant species from Durgapur Government College Campus, West Bengal, India. Seven different physicochemical parameters were analyzed to comment on the possible influence of these parameters on the occurrence pattern, abundance and niche breadth of ant species. Pitfall method was applied to collect 31 ant species under 18 genera and 5 subfamilies within a study span of three months (April – June). The most diverse ant subfamily recorded in the present study was Myrmicinae (47% species) followed by Formicinae (28% species) while the most diverse genus was Camponotus (6 species) followed bygenera Crematogaster (4 species) and Monomorium (3 species). Camponotus compressus (Fabricius) was recorded as the most abundant ant species followed by Monomorium pharaonis (Linnaeus). Positive correlations were found between ant diversity and ambient relative humidity, soil moisture, soil conductivity and soil organic carbon whereas negative correlations were noted between ant diversity and ambient temperature, solar irradiance and pH. These findings were further verified with one–way ANOVA, Cluster analysis and CCA plot. Pseudoneoponera rufipes (Jerdon) followed by Tetraponera rufonigra (Jerdon) and Camponotus compressus occupied the maximum niche breadth reflecting their adaptability to forage in a larger area from the present study location.
Formicidae, urban insect diversity, physicochemical parameters, diversity indices, habitat selection, ant community, Hymenoptera