Repelling performance of different umbellifer crop in reducing brinjal shoot and fruit borer infestation on brinjal

Abstract :

Repelling performance of some selected umbellifer crop in reducing BSFB infestation on brinjal was studied during 2004-2005 at the experimental farm of Bangabandhu Shiekh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur. It was observed that all the repellent crop reduce shoot fruit infestation. Significantly lowest number of shoot and fruit infestation (2.56%,34.65%)) was found when brinjal grown with soluk (Peucedanum graveolens). Generally a higher number of spider (1.59) and lady bird beetle (4.55) were found in crop association with umbellifer in comparison to brinjal monoculture.

Keyword :

Repelling performance, umbellifer crop, brinjal, India

Author(s) : Amin, S. M. R., Alam, M. Z., Rahman, M. M., Hossain, M. M., Mian, I. H.
Downloads : 345
Published Issue : 2019 Vol. 14 Number 2

2019 Vol. 14 Number 2