09 Şub 2025 Pazar
Records on the distribution of Coypu (Myocastor coypus) in Türkiye
Abstract : Myocastoridae is represented by a single genus Myocastor in the world. Coypu (Myocastor coypus) is native to South America. Escaped from the fur farms where they were bred or taken to some countries in a planned way, today they can be found in the UK, Germany, France, Turkey and Russia in Europe, the Caucasus, South Turkestan and Japan in Asia, Louisiana in America, Africa and the Middle East. In the Balkans, invading Coypu (Myocastor coypus) data for less. The largest of the Balkans Coypu populations is probably in the European part of Türkiye. Coypu populations along the borders of Armenia and Iran for the first time in Karasu/Aralık and Arpaçay of Türkiye have been identified. Then, in the European part of Türkiye, was the presence of Coypu. The distribution areas of the species is thought to be less of a stream of localities of Tunca, Meriç stream of registration are distributed in different areas. This research was carried out with field studies between June 2009 and June 2024 based on records from the provinces of Iğdır, Kars and Ardahan and their vicinity and the Meriç and Tunca rivers and their vicinity located in the west of Edirne, Kırklareli and Tekirdağ provinces. Coypu populations intermittently monitored day and night distributions of the field is determined. During the research, 2 (♀♀) specimens were obtained from Iğdır, Aralık, Bulakbaşı and 1 (♂) specimen from Edirne, Karaağaç. Myocastor coypus, which is an important species for biological diversity in Türkiye, is an exotic and invasive species for the fauna of Türkiye, and it still exists narrow and confined spaces.