09 Şub 2025 Pazar
New record of the bubble snail Haloa wallisii (Gray, 1825) (Haminoeidae Pilsbry, 1895) from the breakwaters of the Iraqi coast, Persian Gulf
Abstract : The gastropod Haloa wallisii has been found for the first time off the coast of Iraq in the northwestern Persian Gulf. Specimens were discovered adhering to the surface stones of the Faw city breakwaters, collected during low tide from the intertidal region. This species is distinguished by its distinct clear spiral striae, small shell, and reddish color. The present paper includes a brief description, illustrations, and an outline of the species' global distribution. The findings underscore the importance of the breakwaters in Faw City, northwest of the Persian Gulf, in hosting rare marine species, as well as the need for ongoing research and conservation efforts in this biologically important region.