07 Şub 2025 Cuma
New distributional data and new host plants of a little-known longhorned species in Turkey: Fallacia elegans (Faldermann) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lepturinae)
Abstract : The paper presents old and new data on distribution and host plants of the type species, Fallacia elegans (Faldermann), of the monotypic genus Fallacia Mulsant & Rey (Cerambycidae: Lepturinae). Consequently, Fallacia elegans (Faldermann) is recorded for the first time from Gümüşhane and Kastamonu provinces in Black Sea region of Turkey. On the other hand, Betulaceae (Alnus glutinosa), Fagaceae (Fagus orientalis and Fagus sylvatica) are determined for the first time as new host plants of Fallacia elegans (Faldermann). Thus, the host and distribution ranges of this species are expanded by determining these new records with the present study.