09 Şub 2025 Pazar
Members of the subfamily Stenopterinae Gistel (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Turkey with new host plants and distributional records
Abstract : The paper is presented all taxa of Turkish Stenopterinae Gistel with new data and new records. Accordingly, it is determined Turkish Stenopterinae comprise of 27 species-group taxa belonging to 7 genera of 4 tribes. Among them, 8 species-group taxa are endemics to Turkey as Caenoptera abieticola (Holzschuh), Caenoptera akbesiana (Rapuzzi & Sama), Molorchus malmusii (Sama), Molorchus marmottani frischi (Sama), Molorchus tenuitarsis Holzschuh, Callimus akbesianus Pic, Stenoterus adlbaueri Sama, and Stenopterus kraatzi Pic. Also, a total of 13 species-group taxa including 8 endemic species-group taxa were originally described from Turkey as Dolocerus holtzi (Pic), Caenoptera juglandis (Sama), Callimus egregius Mulsant & Rey, Stenoterus atricornis Pic, Stenopterus rufus syriacus Pic, and the endemic taxa mentioned above. According to feeding preferences of Turkish Stenopterinae taxa, new host plants of Stenopterus rufus geniculatus Kraatz of which host plants were never known previously, are determined for the first time as Fagaceae (Quercus cerris and Quercus ilex). In addition, the host range of 7 species-group taxa is expanded by determining some new hosts for them as Pinaceae (Abies cilicica) for Caenoptera abieticola (Holzschuh), Caesalpinaceae (Cercis siliquastrum) and Corylaceae (Ostrya carpinifolia) for Caenoptera juglandis (Sama), Pinaceae (Pinus nigra) for Molorchus marmottani frischi (Sama), Rosaceae (Crataegus monogyna) for Callimus akbesianus Pic, Corylaceae (Carpinus orientalis) for Callimus angulatus angulatus (Schrank) and Callimus femoratus (Germar), Fagaceae (Quercus cerris, Quercus infectoria, Quercus petraea) for Stenopterus rufus syriacus Pic. According to distributional data of Turkish Stenopterinae taxa, Callimoxys gracilis (Brullé) is recorded for the first time from European Turkey. On the other hand, Dolocerus holtzi (Pic) for Aegean region, Callimus angulatus angulatus (Schrank) for Aegean and Eastern Anatolian regions, Callimoxys gracilis (Brullé) for Black Sea and Marmara regions, Molorchus tenuitarsis Holzschuh and Callimus akbesianus Pic for Central Anatolian region, Molorchus umbellatarum umbellatarum (Schreber) for Eastern Anatolian and South-Eastern Anatolian regions are new records. Moreover, the distribution range of 13 species-group taxa is expanded by determining many new provincial records for them.