09 Şub 2025 Pazar
Distribution and host preference Pieris species in Kashmir Valley
Abstract :Brassica or Cruciferous vegetables constitute an important genus of the Brassicaceae family with thirty-seven described species. Brassica plants are very susceptible to infestation by various Pieris species. Here we studied the distribution and host preference of Pieris species in various sites covering all ten districts of Kashmir Valley. A total of four Pieris species namely P. brassicae, P. canidia, P. rapae and P. napi were captured between 2020 and 2021. Pieris brassicae and P. rapae selected Brassicae oleracea var. acephala and B. o. gongylodes the most times as their host plants. Three Pieris species Viz. P. brassicae, P. canidia and P. rapae were scattered and found to be present in all selected sites of the Kashmir valley. Pieris canidia prefers Brassicae oleracea var. capitata over B. o. var. botrytis and B. o. var. acephala. However, P. napi was seen restricted only to the forest prone areas. Pieris brassicae shows maximum relative abundance (42.52%), followed by P. canidia (33.15%), P. rapae (22.62%) and P. napi (1.71%). Various diversity indices such as Simpson Index (0.72), Shannon-Weiner Index (1.31), Number of species (4) as well as total catch (662) was highest in district Srinagar and minimum catch (255) in district Ganderbal.
P. brassicae, P. canidia, P. rapae, P. napi, Brassicae, Cabbage, Knol khol, Cauliflower, Host specificity, Kashmir Valley