An updated checklist of short-horned grasshoppers (suborder: Caelifera) from Kerala, India

Abstract : An inventory checklist of 94 short-horned grasshopper species across 22 subfamilies of the Suborder Caelifera has been prepared, based on samples collected from the Aralam wildlife sanctuary (AWS*) in Kerala (Western ghats) and literature available from 1900-2020.The sanctuary’s rich and diverse flora supports a significant and well- distributed population of grasshoppers. Short-horned grasshoppers were collected from the sanctuary using modified transect visual count and sweep net method at various sites. Previously a total of 83 species were listed from Kerala. The present paper updates the list by adding 11 species of Caeliferan from Kerala, based on recent literature surveys and latest records. The collected samples from the study area are specifically marked in the provided table. Acrididae family was found predominant both in the Wildlife Sanctuary and entire Kerala.
Keyword : Kerala, short-horned grasshopper, habitat, host, pigmy grasshopper
Author(s) : Deepthy, T., Shamsudeen, R. S. M.
Downloads : 36
Published Issue : 2024 Vol. 19 Supplement

2024 Vol. 19 Supplement