08 Eyl 2024 Pazar
An overview of polyvoltine silkworm breeds developed at Csr&Ti, Mysore during the last five decades
Abstract :Improvement of silkworm breeds / hybrids for higher cocoon yield is the direct and efficient way to achieve good quality raw silk. Accordingly, over the last fifty years, development of polyvoltine silkworm breeds has played a pivotal role in boosting the silk production in India particularly in three southern states viz., Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. In this direction, contribution of silkworm breeders of Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute CSR&TI), Mysore towards the development of promising polyvoltine silkworm breeds / hybrids is the milestone. Indigenous polyvoltine races though well acclimatized to fluctuating eco-climatic conditions, they are poor in cocoon productivity and silk quality. During the last decade, few polyvoltine silkworm breeds having higher cocoon yield coupled with better silk quality, have been developed. Some of the polyvoltine silkworm breeds / hybrids developed at CSR&TI, Mysore for the last five decades have been compiled in one place and made it available to the scientists and students engaged in sericulture research.
Bombyx mori, breeding, evaluation, polyvoltine silkworm breeds / hybrids.